Sunday, September 16, 2012

Fuck you Gary Bettman. Seriously, fuck you.

Yeah, I'm not a happy camper at the moment.  The NHL is in ANOTHER lockout (for those who are counting, that's the second one within an 8 year stretch).  And as usual, Gary Bettman, or as I've been calling him big giant douchebag, is the asshole behind it all.

So what are us NHL fans to do now?  Thanks to the suggestion of a friend of mine, I personally am going to make an attempt to see some minor league games.  I have a team here in town, plus a few in Canada (all within driving distance), and as long as work permits, I should be able to catch something.

But, I digress...  back to the asshole at hand.

(what the fans are thinking of you, Mr. Bettman)

To celebrate the fact he's a giant douchebag, here are a few links to keep you entertained:

Monday, September 10, 2012

annoying callers... and their numbers!

Ok, I've had a bunch of annoying calls lately, most of them being from bill collectors, some being from just telemarketers...  either way, they call at the most inopportune times, like for example WHEN I'M SLEEPING.  So you want to piss me off?  Ok, fine...   but now I'm giving out your phone numbers to the entire world...  so maybe we can call you and piss you off like you tend to piss other people off.


so go ahead....   add these numbers to your block list.  Or call them and bug the hell out of them.  :)

forgotten blog?

Yeah, I've forgotten it.  Thanks to a friend of mine who suggested I start my own blog, I am resurrecting it.  So yeah, look forward to rants about work (if I have any...  since moving to the electronics department I haven't really had anything to rant about), posts about music, stuff about travels, or just random everyday stuff I feel like putting down here.

Since my last blog post on here, which was dedicated to the Beastie Boys and the passing of one of its members, I have been up to quite a bit.  Like I mentioned, I am now in the electronics department of my local Kmart.  I am now in my third week of working over there, and I am loving every minute of it.  Sure, there are a few people coming over there trying to get products and they don't know what the hell they're doing, but that's why I like being over there.  Being a geek myself who loves gadgets and gizmos, I like helping people with this stuff.  I want to help people get the right things.  Now if we only sold Apple products...  I would sell the hell out of that stuff!

Another thing going on?  Thanks to the suggestion of my wonderful fiance Jason, I have now joined the masses of people out there who are now on Pinterest.  And as I've been told by various friends and people I know, I have spent hours on that website finding things I absolutely love.  So thanks Jason, you have now gotten me on another addiction...   but at least it's something to do on the internet while I'm at home and waiting for him to come home from work (since he works until mid afternoon...)

I've been really obsessed with a game on Facebook lately called SongPop.  It's a game right up my alley, being a music lover.  You have to guess either the name of the song, or the artist of the song in the shortest amount of time against your opponent.  So if any of my friends who are playing that game read this...  my worst categories are anything to do with gospel, country, and modern rap.  Oh yeah, and today's hits.  UGH.

Speaking of music...  guess what.  I'm going to see my third Rush concert in 8 days!!!!  I am super excited!  Putting out another album in June, they are on tour to support that album now, having just performed the second show of the tour last night.  It's gonna be fun times; there are five of us total going together.  And to boot, it's the birthday of one of my friends, one of the individuals going.  So yeah, overall the night is going to be good.

Well, that's gonna be it for now.  I should really get off my lazy butt and make something to eat...  Have fun!

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Long live the Beastie Boys!

Growing up when I did, the Beastie Boys to me were one of the best bands out there.  To this day I am still a huge fan, and always will be.  Being originally from New York like they were as well is an extra bonus.  The passing of band member MCA (real name Adam Yauch) put a damper on things yesterday for any fan of the band.  While the group itself may have come to an end, the spirit of the band lives on with its fans.  To honor Mr. Yauch and the rest of the boys, these are my top 10 favorite Beastie Boys songs, in no particular order:

1)  So Whatcha Want?  I love this song!  One of my favorite videos from when I finally got regular access to cable and to MTV..  you know when they actually DID still play videos there.

2)  Brass Monkey  of course!  And it's not just because I collect monkeys now... I love this song!

3)  Sure Shot  I remember when I first got the album this was on (Ill Communication), I immediately loved this song.  This here is probably my favorite one by them, actually.

4)  Intergalactic  Another song whose video I saw on MTV (yeah, they were still showing videos at this point)...  I was excited to go grab the album it was on when it came out!

5)  Sabotage  Who DOESN'T love this video?!?

6)  Fight For Your Right To Party!  I mean, anyone who grew up in the 80's like I did knows this song, the video, and absolutely LOVES it!

7)  No Sleep Till Brooklyn  Rock and rap together... sure it had been done before, but these guys put it together so well!

8)  Get It Together  A live version of this song...  I love this song.  A collaboration between the beasties and Q-tip.

9)  Alive  Found on their Sounds of Science compilation, a song by them (which new at the time) was an awesome find.

10)  Root Down  Another classic song.