Sunday, September 16, 2012

Fuck you Gary Bettman. Seriously, fuck you.

Yeah, I'm not a happy camper at the moment.  The NHL is in ANOTHER lockout (for those who are counting, that's the second one within an 8 year stretch).  And as usual, Gary Bettman, or as I've been calling him big giant douchebag, is the asshole behind it all.

So what are us NHL fans to do now?  Thanks to the suggestion of a friend of mine, I personally am going to make an attempt to see some minor league games.  I have a team here in town, plus a few in Canada (all within driving distance), and as long as work permits, I should be able to catch something.

But, I digress...  back to the asshole at hand.

(what the fans are thinking of you, Mr. Bettman)

To celebrate the fact he's a giant douchebag, here are a few links to keep you entertained:

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